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Cyberize Home Cloud

2022-April Design 
0-1 Design Studio
Designer: Li Wenkai, Jiang Xiaoyu, Yu Dan, Fan Hui, Huang Weixiong
Customer:Shanghai Icewhale Technology Co., Ltd

全球自由劳动力正在急速增长,基于Upwork Press Release数据自由职业者人数将在2027年达到84.6M,接近50%的美国劳动力。Cyberize 家庭云,是以家庭为单位的家庭云,有效的满足了消费者家庭场景的创造、协作以及娱乐等场景的数字需求。在我们清晰认知到巨头的监视资本主义的时代背景下,家庭云为消费者带来了一种创造性的解决方案,满足消费者对于生产力设备间共享数据管理、远程私密协作以及家庭智能管理等场景的诉求。

The population of the global freelance workforce has been proliferating. Upwork's 2022 Freelance Forward report shows that the number of non-temporary freelancers is expected to reach 84.6M in 2027, nearly 50% of the U.S. workforce. Cyberize Home Cloud is a hybrid solution that effectively meets the needs of consumers in creating, managing, collaborating, and entertaining digital assets in home scenarios. In an era when surveillance capitalism is still mainstream and consumer data are still being consumed, Cyberize Home Cloud provides a creative solution for consumers to better control, manage and share personal data between devices and social networks.

Cyberize Home Cloud基于私有云+网盘的技术方案,为创作者带来了全新的数据同步与协作体验。Cyberize作为一台优雅的桌面云,可以以比网盘快10倍的速度实时同步并分享PC和手机上的数据。作为一台家庭云,它完美支 Windows/Mac/Android/iOS等各类系统,所有数据在本地,它天然没有数据隐私、订阅费和数据流量等问题。

Whether the hard disk era in the early 2000s or the cloud era now, faster speed, larger and more economical storage space, smoother experience, and collaborative innovation have always been consumers' primary concerns.
Based on the technical solution of private cloud + network disk, Cyberize Home Cloud brings a brand-new data synchronization and collaboration experience to creators. As an elegant device on desktop, Cyberize can synchronize and share data on PCs and mobile phones in real-time at speed 10 times faster than the public cloud. As a home cloud, it perfectly supports various systems such as Windows/Mac/Android/iOS, and all data is stored locally. It creates no issues such as data privacy, subscription fees, or traffic costs.
In addition, multiple Cyberize devices can form a real-time remote collaboration network for small teams and studios, redefining the experience of real-time collaborative creation workflow of the creative process of audio, video, and music. This new experience benefits from the new possibilities the hybrid cloud technology architecture bring.

Cyberize 家庭云的设计灵感来源于流水别墅建筑,整体形态由两个方块黄金比例叠加计算后穿插堆叠而成。材质上,选用了铝合金与透明PC,保证形式美感的同时也符合散热的功能需求;产品经过反复调整圆角使边缘利落但不锋利,透明体块采用渐变喷漆,富有艺术气息的同时,又可以作为更换配件提供更具个性化的组合。

The design inspiration for Cyberize Home Cloud comes from the renowned Fallingwater. The overall shape comprises two squares interspersed and stacked with the golden ratio. In terms of material, aluminum alloy and transparent PC are selected to ensure the beauty of form and meet the functional requirements of heat dissipation; the product has been repeatedly adjusted to rounded corners to make the edges neat but not sharp; The transparent body is sprayed with gradient for artistic purpose and also provides more personalized combination with interchangeable accessories.

不同于存量品类中的产品功能差异化创新,Cyberize HC以品类创新的方式打造为创作者而生的生产力工具。团队观察到以2016年(智能手机销量达到巅峰)作为转折,数字技术开始向场景进行渗透。典型案例如特斯拉,用户在车内的数字服务体验发生了质的变化。家庭作为86%自由职业者和创作者的主要工作场景,显然依然只有路由器类提供网络连接服务,状态类似塞班机时代。家庭云将改变所有人与数字世界/物联网设备的交互和资产关系。Cyberize以内容创意工作者切入,将是推动家庭云品类发展的具有符号意义的一款产品创新。

Cyberize Home Cloud aims to create a productivity tool for creators nowadays by defining a new category. The team observed that digital technologies began penetrating scenarios since 2016 (the year smartphone sales peaked). A typical case is Tesla, which completely reshaped users' digital service experience in the car.
Home is the primary productivity scene for 86% of freelancers and creators-a place where routers have been providing network connections for over 30 years, similar to the Symbian era. The home cloud will change how everyone interacts and connects with the digital world/IoT devices. Cyberize Home Cloud starts with global creators and will be a symbolic product innovation pushing forward the home cloud category.​​​​​​​

美国著名经济学者Jeremy Rifkin曾在American 3.0和工业3.0中提出,未来的数据中心将分散各个物联网设备中「"Things" as Distributed Data Centers」,构成「The Lateral Network Effect」。其背后的洞察是,计算机算力的分布是伴随着能源系统同步迭代的。未来10年,家庭云所构建起的全新数字服务和管理基础设施,配合家用太阳能能源生产和储蓄,将极大程度降低算力产业中IDC的能源和网络消耗,分布式的能源和算力将带来更绿色更低成本的互联网基础设施。与此同时,用户数据资产与互联网公司商业诉求的矛盾也自然迎来了新的平衡。

As American economist Jeremy Rifkin once proposed in American 3.0 and Industry 3.0, the data center of the future will be dispersed in various IoT devices. The insight behind it is that the distribution of computer computing power is iterated synchronously with the energy system. In the next decade, new digital service and management infrastructure built by the family cloud, combined with household solar energy production and storage, will significantly reduce the energy and network consumption of IDCs, and distributed energy and computing power will bring a greener and lower-cost Internet infrastructure.
At the same time, the contradiction between user data sovereignty and the capitalism of companies will naturally usher in a new balance.

2.接入Google Drive/Dropbox等网盘,聚合并自动化管理你分散的数据和支出
4.以40Gbps/s的速度,Type C直连Macbook和工作站,极速加载创作素材
5.支持Apple Time Machine与版本管理

To bring a simple, user-oriented, and unique data management experience, the team created a dedicated cloud system CasaOS.
1.Cross-platform synchronization and data sharing across PC and mobile devices at Gigabit Ethernet speed.
2.Mount Google Drive/Dropbox/OneDrive and cloud spaces, aggregate and manage your scattered data and save monthly fees.
3.Set up and remote access private cloud collaboration network.
4.USB-C port for 40Gbps high-speed read/write between MacBook/PC and workstations.
5.Support Apple Time Machine and version management.
6.Batch preprocessing of image and video assets to accelerate post-production workflow.
As an open home cloud system, CasaOS also brings more third-party services in networking, audio-visual and smart home categories within the app store, in addition to pre-installed system applications.

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